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Act For Change

Please get all details from Act For Change website

Join Africa’s Biggest Cleanup

When you throw something away – a piece of plastic, tin can, an old battery – where does it go? Do you realise there is no “away”?

And this devastating planet-wide problem of accumulating pollution is not going “away” either.

It’s time to come clean about the effects of our own everyday actions.

Join the Shoprite Group between 14-18 July by joining or hosting a cleanup in your area. Read more about this campaign.

For hosts

Choose a space / site close to your community that needs some love. Keep in mind:

  • Choose a safe area that has access to public transport or parking
  • An area with a recognisable landmark is helpful to ensure people find the starting point of the cleanup event on the day
  • Remember that if you want to cleanup private land, you need to get permission from the owner

We love local hosts

The host should be part of a local network, organisation or business:

  • We really want to engage communities and activate a big number of people to join ActForChange
  • This helps build trust, reaches a larger audience and provides support leading to a successful cleanup

The host will need to man the event on the day and drive awareness in his / her network

  • All hosts are required to count and report back the number of waste bags collected after reach event BECAUSE we need the information in order to substantiate the claim that we really hosted Africa’s biggest cleanup
  • Bags + gloves: All volunteers are requested to bring their own bags and gloves, however, should you wish to supply your volunteers with bags, kindly request a voucher that can be redeemed in any Shoprite or Checkers store in South Africa for a roll of Tuffy refuse bags by emailing (please note only a limited amount of vouchers are available for this purpose)
  • The ActForChange platform will send reminders to all registered volunteers for your event

    Please refer to website

    Curated content for Chas Everitt Cape Town South 

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